Skien fritidspark 2006-2008
Skien fritidspark 2006-2008
"Mirabilis" 2006 - 2008
A central element in this art project is the 8 meter high stair column. It is located in the middle of the facility and can be seen from all parts of the swimming hall. The stairs that wind around the pillar lead up to the top of the bathing slide. The column is covered with iridescent glass mosaic. It changes color expression depending on where in the hall you are and depending on the light rhythm of the day. You can see yourself in each individual glass mosaic hemisphere, and each sphere mirrors the entire room. On the walls of the pools here and there you will see dots. If you dive under the water, you will find some surprises in the form of charcoal drawings transferred onto tiles.- A submarine, a seahorse and a moonfish. The play island in the children's pool is covered with mosaics in many colours. A ray sculpture is also placed here.
This commission is a collaborative project with Eirik Gjedrem. After an open prequalification, we were invited to a closed competition, which we won. Eirik has had the artistic responsibility for the island and the ray sculpture, I for the mosaic column and the underwater drawings. Artistic consultants have been Ingrid Lene Langedok and Anne Stabell., and the client is Skien municipality. The bathing hall was opened to the public in June 2008.
Telemarksavisa 27.10.2007 Telemarksavisa 12.04.2008
A central element in this art project is the 8 meter high stair column. It is located in the middle of the facility and can be seen from all parts of the swimming hall. The stairs that wind around the pillar lead up to the top of the bathing slide. The column is covered with iridescent glass mosaic. It changes color expression depending on where in the hall you are and depending on the light rhythm of the day. You can see yourself in each individual glass mosaic hemisphere, and each sphere mirrors the entire room. On the walls of the pools here and there you will see dots. If you dive under the water, you will find some surprises in the form of charcoal drawings transferred onto tiles.- A submarine, a seahorse and a moonfish. The play island in the children's pool is covered with mosaics in many colours. A ray sculpture is also placed here.
This commission is a collaborative project with Eirik Gjedrem. After an open prequalification, we were invited to a closed competition, which we won. Eirik has had the artistic responsibility for the island and the ray sculpture, I for the mosaic column and the underwater drawings. Artistic consultants have been Ingrid Lene Langedok and Anne Stabell., and the client is Skien municipality. The bathing hall was opened to the public in June 2008.
Telemarksavisa 27.10.2007 Telemarksavisa 12.04.2008
"Mirabilis" 2006 - 2008
Et sentralt element i dette kunstprosjektet er den 8 meter høye trappesøylen . Den er plassert midt i anlegget og kan sees fra alle deler av badehallen. Trappa som snor seg rundt søylen fører opp til toppen av badesklia. Søylen er dekket med iriserende glassmosaikk. Den skifter fargeuttrykk avhengig av hvor i hallen i du befinner deg og avhengig av døgnets lysrytme. Du kan speile deg i hver enkel glassmosaikk-halvkule, og hver kule speiler hele rommet. På veggene i bassengene vil du her og der se prikker, Dukker du under vannet, vil du finne noen overraskelser i form av kull-tegninger overført på fliser. - En ubåt, en sjøhest og en månefisk. Lekeøya i barnebassenget er kledd med mosaikk i mange farger. Også en stråleskulptur er plassert her.
Dette oppdraget er et samarbeidsprosjekt med Eirik Gjedrem. Etter en åpen prekvalifisering ble vi invitert til en lukket konkurranse som vi vant. Eirik har hatt det kunstneriske ansvaret for øya og stråleskulpturen, jeg for mosaikksøylen og tegningene under vann. Kunstneriske konsulenter har vært Ingrid Lene Langedok og Anne Stabell., og oppdragsgiver Skien kommune. Bade - hallen ble åpnet for publikum i juni 2008.
Telemarksavisa 27.10.2007 Telemarksavisa 12.04.2008